Thursday, May 26, 2005

Lizzie's Bats

Aren't they beautiful?

I remember doing a tessellation project in 6th grade (at good old PMS). It didn't really turn out that well. And I don't remember what I learned from it.

Julian Cortella, one of my STEP friends, had his 9th grade geometry students do their final project for the course on tessellations, and wow! They made some beautiful designs, and their projects were very mathematical, involving all kinds of transformations and some analysis in the coordinate plane (I think). Julian, Ankur Dalal, and I are going to be making a presentation on the project on Friday, June 10, at the Center for Educational Research at Stanford. Let me know if you're interested in coming. :) 9:15 AM.


Zodiac Digital said...

tesselation = good
rick james = good

crack = good

QED, beeyotches!

Nicole said...

WTF? What? The?

Anyway, reminds me of an episode of Chappelle's Show that I saw last night (got the season 2 DVD for Patrick's b-day). Charlie Murphy, Eddie Murphy's older brother, was telling stories about Hollywood. Charlie used to hang out with Rick James. Rick was over at Eddie's house in this one story, and Eddie had just bought a new suede couch. Rick comes in with these dirty cowboy boots and starts stomping all over the couch with them, according to Charlie--which leads Charlie to pound on Rick's legs until the man can't walk. Rick's response to the story:

"Come on, I mean what am I gonna do, just, just jump up all of a sudden and just grind my feet all up in somebody's couch? Like it's, like it's, you know, something to do? Come on, I gotta little more sense than that. Yeah, I remember grinding my feet in Eddie's couch."


He also says, "Cocaine is a helluva drug." Maybe that explains something.