Thursday, October 06, 2005

time for a new post

The weather here is nutty. I keep putting away the summer blankets, shoes, etc. only to have to pull them out again. Yesterday it was in the high 80s. Today the high is 61.

Anyway, just wanted make a quick update. Spent last weekend in Kenosha, WI, where all of Patrick's mom's siblings (12, including Mary) convened to celebrate Grandma Hammond's 80th birthday. It was great to talk with everyone; they were all really friendly, and interesting, and interested, and just good people in general. We played a silly game somewhere between field hockey and soccer (it's called 'field crumpets') and ate dinner. All in all, it was more relaxed than a typical Louie gathering. I guess because the youngest generation in the Hammond family is mostly in college or recently graduated. Not so many young kids (though there are a couple of babies). I was really sad to leave. It reminded me of how much I miss being so close to family.

School is going all right. Trying to figure out where the line is between emphasizing conceptual understanding and just needing students to practice so they can do things (like find the area of a rectangle) mindlessly.

All for now.

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