Saturday, March 08, 2008


PomatomusI'm on a sock-knitting kick. Here's a photo, taken with my mom's new camera, of the socks I sent her for her birthday. They're my first pair of adult socks in a fingering-weight yarn and a fancy pattern. The yarn is Soxx Appeal from Knit One, Crochet Too, color Marine Blue, 96% merino wool, with a little bit of acrylic for strength and elastic for stretch. And it's machine washable! I'm curious to know how they hold up over time. Knitty is serving me well, with their brilliant array of free sock patterns. The pattern for Mom's socks is called Pomatomus, after the species of fish that inspired the pattern's creator. There's a beautiful pattern to make some fingerless Pomatomus gloves, too ... maybe I can work on that when I finish all the socks on my needles ...

I went to New York last weekend, to hang out with Patrick and celebrate Pulaski Day. We went to MOMA and the Met, and walked around 5th Avenue and Central Park, but my favorite part was still hanging out with friends. We stayed with Mike, a good friend from Patrick's salad days in Iowa, and Mike's lady, Laura; Patrick has been over there on and off for a little more than a week (doing research in various libraries and archives). Here's a picture of their cat, Oliver. I love the pads of his feet.


Mary said...

I love your slide show. How long has it been there?
You are so good with your knitting styles -- they look so complicated.
Mike was such a good friend to Patrick in h.s. So nice that you could stay with him.

Anonymous said...

I usually just email my comments to Nicole about her blog site. But for all you avid readers, I have to tell you these socks are really great! I especially like the way the pattern massages the bottoms of my feet as I walk.