Sunday, October 26, 2008

Mixed Reviews

I'm grading portfolios from my 8th grade math class. You have to read this:

"The best part of math is learning how to do a new lesson and playing games with the class. I also like when I raise my hand to say an answer and I'm wrong, because then I learn how to do something the right way and that's what I really like about my math class. And I also like that fact that Ms. Louie and other students take their own time to explain how to do something because that also helps me understand my work better."

I love this quote because Olivia is new to our school this year, she's not outspoken in class, and she generally comes across as kind of shy. But here she shows such boldness and such a spirit of learning. This is so exciting!

Of course, one of her peers wrote something about how there is too much "violence" in our class. I have no idea what she means, but I take her at her word that this is how she feels. Not so positive. Requires some investigation, there.

Early voted yesterday. Woohoo! The polling place was busy, too. Only 9 days left!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Mary said...

How encouraging! I know that teachers often make a huge difference in students' lives and thinking and that often don't hear directly from the students about the affect they are having. Comments like your student made would make my week, or maybe my month.