Thursday, July 07, 2005


It's finally here! I'm done with every responsibility until August (except for all the moving stuff). My week teaching summer school was hard; three-and-a-half hour classes were a bit much for me and the students, I didn't have much of a curriculum (so I was making stuff up again, which never comes out that well), and managing the boisterous ones continued to be a challenge.

I've been spending some time as a visitor in other people's summer school classrooms, and I really like that. Maybe Uncle Dennis' hint was in the right direction, and I'll soon be back in school. The classroom is a really rich environment for research; there's so much to observe. What are the teachers doing? What are the students doing? On a social level? On a mathematical level? What's working, what's not, and why?

I am looking forward to Chicago, though, and teaching there.

I should attach some photos of my parents' kitchen. But I don't have any yet. I'll work on that. The remodel was a huge improvement! The whole space is much more sunny and welcoming. I was home last weekend on July 3. Had a little fall while biking in the morning with Dad and Patrick, but seems no major damage was done. I scraped my knee, and there's a big bruise on my leg, but nothing that won't heal. What's really amazing, though, is my head. I guess I didn't break my fall very well with my hands, because my face hit the ground kind of hard; there's a huge scratch on my sunglasses, and a couple of little cuts on my lip--and bits of asphalt ground into my front teeth. I went to the dentist (good old Uncle Anson, what will we do without you in Chicago??), and he x-rayed it and checked for fractures. Didn't see any problems (whew) but said I should come back in a couple of weeks to have the tooth cleaned. ;)

Speaking of July 3, July 4 was pretty neat. Had a picnic with some friends, then came back to the apartment and since we're on the 8th floor, we could actually see really good fireworks from our balcony. At one point, we were watching fireworks in three different locations, all at once.

I saw Batman Begins a little while ago. It was a lot better than the latest Star Wars. But I didn't enjoy either of those movies as much as Russell Peters (thanks, Mike) or the campy Kung Fu Hustle that was made even more enjoyable by the non-subtitled admonishment before the movie (which I got from my dad on two clearly bootlegged discs) to refrain from illegal copying of this very good film (the speech ended with a yell of "Zui hao dianying!!! Yeah!").

Happy day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yay! I am leaving you a message Nicole! (Guess who?)
Ouch-- sounds like the fall was painful... but I am glad nothing is wrong.. You know, i have come to appreciate havign family and connections around- you are going to get a little taste of that in Chicago, but you still have familial connections nearby, which is truly helpful!