Friday, January 06, 2006

More photos

dad & kaitlynturkey skinferns
scarabsDe Young

Here are the rest of the noteworthy photos from my most recent expedition West. A moving train; a roast turkey; Dad and Kaitlyn; more roast turkey (yes I did eat a slice); the ferns at the back of the house; scarabs at the De Young's Egyptian exhibit (Patrick is blurrily mirrored in the right corner); and an interior passageway at the De Young, with their ferns in the background. All of the images will blow up if you click on them. (ka-boom!)

I'm home with a cold, but that never stopped Napoleon! Well it might have, I don't really know ... anyway, onwards and upwards ...


Anonymous said...

nice pics nicole! i like the one with your dad and kaitlyn with the ears. its so cute!

Anonymous said...

actually i dnt think it did stop napoleon....someone had to educate me recently....told me he fed his troops beans....