Sunday, August 12, 2007

Happy Birthday, Dad!!


Anonymous said...

hi nicole,
thanks. cute card.
call me old fashion--or just call me old. so, here i am, tied up in blue ribbon, waiting for a sign of the cosmic connection, and googling for turtle doves and shopping for french hens (i've since learned from semi-reliable sources that french hens are only available in paris, 3rd arrondisement, along the seine, by the bridge, look for bright red plumage).
so, like whatever.

Patrick Iber said...

...and don't call me Shirley.

Anonymous said...

like a so totally good call mr. temple.
nicole says she miss you terribly, or was that terribly miss you.
like whatever.

Patrick Iber said...

Amazingly, that quote made it onto a list of the top 100 movie quotes of all time. At #79.